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Miscellaneous Designs.

This is a poster I made as a gift. I wanted it to be similar to a National Parks poster, and I really wanted to use some bright, contrasting colors. I'm also happy with how the typography came out in this, as I think it really helps to convey the cowboy vibes I was hoping for.


Created with Adobe Illustrator. December 2023.

Wild west poster
Orange erasposter

Although I've designed a set of Taylor Swift posters already, I decided I wanted one with a bit more pizzaz. This one is modeled very closely on a Baby Driver Movie poster I saw and loved! It's mostly for fun, but I had a great time trying to figure out how the original designer created certain effects and shapes so that I could implement those in a way that fit Taylor Swift.


Created with Adobe Illustrator. Summer 2023.

TSwift poster 2023-01.png
Astrobloc poster-01.png

This is a poster for a Club Climbing (JMU) competition. The theme has always been space, so I wanted to play off that in this piece most. I also wanted to choose fun, eyecatching colors and I had to be aware of the pre-designed ASTRO BLOC logo. Therefore, I needed to make sure the illustration was cohesive with this. 


Additionally, we ordered T-shirts for this competition, so I revamped the astronaut bouldering planets to put him on the back of the shirts. That design is shown here as well.


Created with Adobe Illustrator. October 2023.

Club astrobloc poster
Stickers JMU Final

These are JMU Student Activities and Involvement (SAI) stickers. SAI is a campus department that organizes events. I wanted the sticker to reflect how fun and campus-centered the group is, while still advertising their regular events like Tea Time and Crafternoon. If I could change one thing, I'd add some margins to the yellow JMU sticker so that it breathes a bit and is more similar to the other two stickers.

Created with Adobe Illustrator. October 2022.

instainfluencerdemo goodshuffle-01.png

This is a demo I did for a company I applied to work for (in an advertising position). They asked that I create an infographic detailing how to be an Instagram influencer (please note: all information was pulled from a source listed on the infographic). I had a great time playing with colors and hierarchy in this project and was offered the position. 

Created in Adobe InDesign. Fall 2022.

Insta Influencer

This is an inspirational poster for a Media Arts and Design class. I was provided with the quote from another student and asked to use only two colors and one font family. It is the first thing I ever created in Illustrator.  


Created in Adobe Illustrator. Fall 2021.

(Hover for an early sketch)

Teeee2 - Copy.jpg

This is a T-shirt design for a family with the last name “Kuhl.” They requested a “band T-shirt/logo” for family T-shirts. They requested that a Quetzal bird be included somewhere in the design. 

Created in Adobe Photoshop. November 2021.

(Hover for a mockup)

This is a design for the back of Fredericksburg Parent and Family Magazine’s staff shirts. The place pictured is Downtown Fredericksburg, which has some recognizable features like the church and the Chatham Bridge. I also wanted to make sure the graphic/logo could be paired with the real FredParent logo (which I did not make) pictured below my design. 

Created in Adobe Illustrator. July 2022.

(Hover for a rough draft)

FP Tshirt nobkg.png
FP Tshirtrough nobkg.png
FP simple logo.jpg

This is a commissioned painting of a butterfly on a thrifted 5 ft x 3 1/2 ft canvas.

Created with canvas and acrylic. September 2022.

Butterfly Final
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